- AIP Portuguese Industrial Association
- Lisbon Congress Centre
- Red Bull, Portugal
- BMW Foundation HQ, Germany
- MCI Group, Switzerland
- AIM Group International
- LD Organisation, Belgium
- European Society of Cardiology, France
- Boehringer Ingelheim, Portugal
- Amnesty International, Portugal
- Hoffmann La Roche, Switzerland
- SPQ, Portugal
- FCTN University of Lisbon
- I.S.T. Lisbon
- M.I.T. Lisbon
- Congress Centre Alfandega do Porto
- FM University of Porto
- FE University of Porto
- FC University of Porto
- FF University of Porto
- FM University of Coimbra
- Foundation Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisbon
- Foundation Champalimaud, Lisbon
- GL Events, Spain
- GSK, Portugal
- BAYER, Germany
- PFIZER, International
- Petrogal, Portugal
- Repsol, Portugal
- SECURITAS, Portugal
- ISCTE, Portugal
- BRISA, Portugal